SmartTrackers and security

Reporting sustainability data and doing so publicly is getting more important over time. While doing this, you of course want to make sure that there is maximum attention for the safety of that data.

SmartTrackers ensures this safety in various ways. Read down below how we do that.

Visma Trust Centre

SmartTrackers is connected to the Visma Trust Centre. Visma encourages its business units in this way to manage their security themselves with specialized tools, guidance, and training.
On these pages, you will find more security details about SmartTrackers Measurements and SmartTrackers Assessments.

ISO 27001

In 2022, SmartTrackers got the ISO 27001 certificate. This is one of the most well-known and widely used standards for securing information. The standard describes how your company can protect itself against cyberattacks, hackers, and breaches, thus guaranteeing the confidentiality of personal and business data.

Visma Connect

SmartTrackers users can log in using Visma Connect. This service offers the highest security standard, broad 2 factor authentification and the option to log in without using a password in various ways. Gebruikers van SmartTrackers kunnen inloggen met Visma Connect. More information about this can be read here.

More information

More information about what we do with data and how we handle privacy can be found in the general terms and conditions and our privacy policy.

If you have any remainnig questions, you can always contact us: